
Health Insight Blog

How I relieved my neuropathic foot pain without medication in mere weeks

By Alice Harper 19 June 2024

It started as my 54th birthday approached on my toes on both feet.

I mostly ignored it because there was no pain and I really didn’t think much about it. 

After a year, the numbness progressed to the bottoms of both feet. 

Then the pain came together with burning sensations. 

It started taking a toll on my daily life.

I couldn’t stay on my feet for more than 30 minutes at the time.

I couldn’t walk up the stairs without holding the handrail with two hands…

or put on my favorite shoe because of swelling…

And when my feet started feeling like I'm wearing stockings on my legs that are lined with tiny pins poking into my skin, I had to do something.

I’ve been active my whole life, but neuropathy pain struck me down in my 50s.

I knew getting older would come with aches and pains, but I didn’t think I’d be suffering this much pain in my feet.

If you’re dealing with neuropathy pain then you know what I mean…

It takes a toll on your daily life.

You can’t stand on your feet very long before they start to throb…

You avoid stairs at all costs…

and even your shoes start to feel 10 sizes too small.

It’s enough to drive you mad.

This is how I lived for years and then it got worse…

My doctor explained that my nerves are suffocating and soon it may be too late

A visit to the doctor made me incredibly sad. 

He told me I'm suffering from something called “polyneuropathy” which is a progressive condition.

The nerve cells in our feet - just like every other cell in our body - require a continuous supply of oxygen in order to function properly, he explained. 

This oxygen enters the body through the lungs, goes straight to the heart, and then gets delivered around the body through the bloodstream.

This system works flawlessly until we start getting older . 

That’s because normal aging causes a reduction in total body water - which results in less fluid in the bloodstream and lower blood volume.

The less blood there is in the body, the harder it is for the heart to deliver sufficient amounts of oxygen to all the cells in different body parts.

This gets EVEN worse if you are a diabetic because excess blood sugar decreases the elasticity of blood vessels and causes them to narrow, which further impedes blood flow.

Because of this, the oxygen supply to the peripheral nerves is decreased - which leads to nerve tissue damage.

This causes burning pain, unbearable tingling, and ultimately numbness.

It all sounded pretty hopeless.

But then my doctor told me something that finally answered my prayers…

“The Good News Is If You Still Feel Pain and Tingling That Means Your Feet Can Be Saved”

“If you are still feeling burning and tingling, it means that some of your cells are still alive.” my doctor continued

Why is this important?

Because National Institute of Health says: 

“Peripheral nerves are able to regenerate as long as the underlying nerve cell has not been killed.

So as long as your feet are not completely numb, there’s a chance that you can save the remaining nerve cells and reverse your neuropathy.

But how do you do it? 

How do you repair all those damaged cells so you can finally get rid of burning and tingling and get your old life back?

It all comes down to increasing blood circulation!

But how do you do that?

My doctor explained…

If You Want To Keep The Blood Flowing And Fix Your Nerves You MUST Keep Moving!

I’ll be honest, that was not the news I wanted to hear.

I felt like I got the answer to my prayers…

But I left the doctors office that day feeling as frustrated as ever.

But as I was walking out of the office I saw another patient with his shoes off and these strange looking socks on his feet.

“What are those?” I asked…

That’s when he told me about…

A new type of compression sock that fixes blood circulation while allowing you to walk pain free!

I’d heard of compression socks before but he told me these were different.

Instead of long, tight socks that go up to your knee…

These were short, ankle socks that looked a lot like any normal sock.

You see, those long medical compression socks are so tight they can actually CUT OFF circulation.

Which would actually make your neuropathy worse since they restrict blood flow.

But these socks focus just on the feet, stretching the feet muscles gently…

Allowing more blood to flow into them.

Plus the toes are open, allowing your toes to wiggle and pull even more blood through the entire foot.

They’re called StepEase and they’re actually made by a Finnish health start-up, a country known for its world-leading healthcare system and healthy lifestyle...

They’ve put a Finnish twist on regular compression socks to create a natural solution so effective that it turns off pain in the short term…

And increased blood flow in the long term.

The result?

You Can Walk Without Pain Today, So You Can Defeat Neuropathy Tomorrow!

StepEase aren't any ordinary compression socks.

They do not use one or two compression zones, but five.

These Finnish product designers precisely designed each one to skyrocket your feet's circulation.

Better circulation amplifies nutrient supply, boosts oxygen delivery, facilitate waste removal,

and enhance nerve regeneration…

…so that your neuropathic pain can be drained from your feet.

Increasing blood flow is extremely important, because it delivers oxygen, glucose, and minerals to your feet.

…Oxygen, glucose, and minerals are the fuel that helps your nerves regenerate.

This means that within few days, you

This means that, thanks to better blood circulation, you'll notice in just a few days that feeling will start to return to your feet.

The pain and tingling will subside.

You'll be able to walk, drive a car and climb stairs more easily again.

You can focus your thoughts on the things that really matter to you. 

I tried these socks and noticed positive difference within the first week of use

StepEase have gained massive popularity, and no wonder. 

My nerve pain started to fade away within the first week of use. 

The tingling sensation disappeared.

And before long, I was able to walk without pain, stand for as long as I wanted, and even sleep through the night without waking up in agony.

All I needed to do was wear these socks on a daily basis. 

I wore ordinary socks on top of them, but you can also wear them as they are.

When you try these, you'll feel how the soothing compression squeezes your feet and the acute pain and tingling is instantly relieved.

These are machine washable, so I can pull on a fresh pair every morning.

I can literally feel the blood flowing through your feet and taking away all the pain and discomfort.

Thanks to better blood circulation, the swelling also starts to ease immediately...

... and disappeared completely within a few days.

My feet no longer feel stiff, my step is strong and my balance is better.  

I don’t feel itch and shine anymore. 

I feel better overall and my mind is lighter.

Here’s what you can expect using StepEase for 14 days

This is my experience with StepEase socks after the first two weeks.

Day 1: The socks arrived. I put them on straight away. It was a bit difficult because my feet were so swollen. To my surprise, I quickly felt the tingling on the bottom of my feet start to disappear almost immediately. I was also surprised at how strong and "precise" the compression was. 

Day 2: I pulled on a fresh pair of socks (I ordered a 6 pair deal). It was a little easier today as the swelling was a little less. Again, I experienced less tingling and tingling. I was happy because now I knew that yesterday was no fluke. 

Day 4: Now my step is starting to be more stable. The swelling is almost non-existent. I'm so used to wearing socks that I don't even notice they're there. 

Day 7: Yesterday was the first night in months that I slept without waking up to tingling and pain! Better circulation is obviously starting to work. 

Day 10: A friend commented yesterday about my happy vibe. She asked me if I had secretly won the lottery. Sort of, I silently wondered and smiled. Halfway through the experiment, I'm happy so far. The pain and tingling has almost disappeared, walking is easier and I've slept 3 nights without waking up. 

Day 14: Socks have become so much a part of my routine that I don't even think about putting them on in the morning. Luckily, I ordered several pairs. These socks are also machine washable, which I like. I went for my first walk with my husband in a year today. 

Here’s What Amana, 58, Says About Her Experience Trying StepEase Socks

“You know what really sucks? When you go to the doctor… over and over again… And you complain that you have complete numbness in your big toes and it’s spreading to your other toes… And the tops of your feet…

That your feet are so on fire at night that you can’t sleep at night without having ice packs on them. And they run some tests and say… Well… We can’t really find anything wrong with you. You’re fine. It’s just a natural part of aging…

Really? I’m 65 years old. I got another at least 20 years because our family… we live a long time. But I’m starting to be really concerned about my future mobility aside from today’s aches and pains. That’s when I saw the norelie’s advertisement and told myself ‘Ok, let me give it a try’

So I started using the StepEase Socks. And let me tell you… 3 days later, i’m having better feeling and sensations in my big toes. I haven’t been able to feel the surface of my big toes for 2 years. Now it’s been about 2.5 weeks. I have a complete feeling in my feet I think it's because of the improved blood flow. AlsoI have not been having muscle cramps in my calves. And best of all? My feet are not on fire anymore! No more ice packs when I go to bed at night…

The socks are comfortable and I can wear them like any other pair. And it’s a game changer! I’m telling you, I’m so happy with this product! And I see a future where 20 years down the road, I’m not gonna be sitting in the wheelchair because I can’t walk anymore! It’s awesome. Thanks norelie!

Amana, 65

Or Look James, who can now sleep throughout the night first time in years

“I have suffered from diabetes for a decade, which has led to significant neuropathy in my feet. In search of relief, I have experimented with various creams, deliberately avoiding medication as I was warned of a variety of possible side effects.

However, I decided to try the StepEase compression socks, which was particularly challenging given my job, which requires me to stand on hard concrete floors all day.

By the time I finished work, my feet were throbbing with pain. But after I started wearing StepEase, I noticed a remarkable improvement after just a few weeks!

Now I can work without any pain at all. In fact, I've been enjoying this newfound comfort for almost three months now. The StepEase have worked wonders for me.”

James, 40

Norelies StepEase have Already Helped Thousands Of German Residents Alleviate Their Neuropathic Foot Pain

If you check Norelie’s website, you will find thousands of reviews from people just like you. 

People who were able to get significant relief from numbing food pain, stiffness and swelling.

If you visit Norelie’s website on a daily basis, you can see how new reviews and success stories flow day by day. 

Every single day there’s a new amazing story from another person in Germany who were able to relief their neuropathic foot pain with StepEase. 

Will your story be the next? 

Imagine waking up in the morning and experiencing that feeling of… NOTHING!

Because neuropathic foot pain is best when it’s gone! 

✅  No burning sensations

✅  No tingling

✅  No crutches

✅  No limitations


Allowing you to sleep well at night without any shooting pain that would keep you awake…

Knowing that when you wake up, there is nothing that would stop you from just jumping out of bed, full of energy!

Imagine finally regaining control over your life and body again!

Doing all the things you love with your loved ones!

That feeling is priceless.

There’s a world of difference between living life with constant foot pain, stiffness and swelling, and between being able to do what's dearest to you.

And I’m excited for you to experience it for yourself.

OFFER: Order StepEase today - get another pair for free with every pair you order

To celebrate the recent success of StepEase, Norelie has put together an irresistible offer.

For each pair of StepEase you order, you get another pair for free.

If you order one pair, you get one pair free.

For 2 pairs you get 2 paris free

and for 4 pairs you get 4 paris free.

This means that if you order even one pair, you save whopping 50% of the regular retail price.

If you decide to order more, Norelie has lowered the price even further and on the biggest package 4+4, the savings go up to 80%.

All orders come today with free shipping with tracking number. 

Norelie can make this incredible offer because they are confident that you will become one of their success stories.

You may well spread the word about the socks to your acquaintances, and the popularity of the socks will only grow.

No one should have to put up with nerve pain and Norelie wants the word to spread everywhere, in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. 

The special price is limited to today only!

Activate a special one-time offer reserved for first-time customers. (Up to 50% discount)


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Krystina Jeffers

Can anyone confirm this?
 · Reply ·  4 · 58 min

Garnet Church
Wow, these socks are really effective! I have been struggling with constant foot pain for some time, especially after breaking my heel and discovering that I have plantar fasciitis and a slight tear in my Achilles tendon. These compression socks have been a life saver for me, especially after long days on my feet. I hope they will bring you relief too.
 · Reply ·  3 · 39 min

Miranda Jones

I bought mine for full price and now they're 50% off? That's not fair!
 · Reply ·  6 · 21 min

Gracie Sawyer

How long does shipping take? · Reply ·  1 · 33 min

Ashley Ford
Hey Petra, I got mine after a week.
 · Reply ·  1 · 5 min

Liam Smith

My order arrived today and I also got one for my wife. The socks feel incredibly relaxing on my feet! And what's even better: I've found that I no longer have to rely on other massagers every day. If I use the compression socks every few days, my feet stay pain-free for longer periods of time.

 · Reply ·  2 · 12 min

Collins Grenville
Hey Marta, that's what you need instead of expensive massage sessions
 · Reply ·  6 · 33 min

Glenda Augustine
Wow, that's crazy, I've ordered two now!
 · Reply ·  1 · 8 min

Noah Johnson
Have you bought one, how long does it take to get it?
 · Reply ·  11 · 49 min

Christina Combs
For me 7 working days.
 · Reply ·  3 · 22 min

Olivia Williams
Should have bought it sooner, just what I needed for my neuropathy hurting feet. Honestly, I can walk and move around with minimal pain. I have only used it for about 2 days and I have felt better than I have in the last 2 years!!!
 · Reply ·  1 · 7 min

Isabella Garcia
I've just ordered mine! Can hardly wait.
 · Reply ·  7 · 59 min

Mia Anderson
I want one so bad, I'm going to buy it this weekend when my paycheck comes in lol!!!
 · Reply ·  4 · 37 min

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